Day 16 – 7:08am


Just got back in from Week 2 Day 2 of the Couch-to-5K app and I’m in a butt-load of pain right now. My ankles hurt, my calves hurt, my feet hurt…it was a REALLY tough run out there this morning. I don’t even have any pictures or videos for you this morning, either.

At one point, I really felt as though I wanted to just stop and head back home.

At another point, I really felt as though I should stop running and just walk it off.


I powered through and said “SCREW YOU, OLD ME!!”.

I was a smoker for 16 years. A pack a day habit, actually. I celebrated 10-years smoke-free this past February. I know the power of addiction, but I also know what it’s like to quit and move on in my life in a much more positive way.

I’m NOT going to give up on this. If I could quit smoking, surely I can continue jogging for 90 seconds.

My walking  pace was 10:53/km this morning with an average jogging pace of 7:28/km. I’m happy with both of those numbers.

I will say this, though…with a MASSIVE snowstorm heading my way tomorrow, I’ll be happy to take one day off before trying to get out there again either Thursday (unlikely due to snow clean-up) or Friday.

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7 Responses to Day 16 – 7:08am

  1. Like I told you this morning, we ALL have rough days out there for whatever reason. Sure, they’re frustrating, and they suck, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s just one measly run in a lifetime of being healthy. The GREAT news here is that you didn’t give up…you powered through and got it done. And THAT, my dear, is something you should be REALLY proud of.

    • It’s hard to be proud when you feel like you should have done better. I think that’s a normal feeling to have, though, when you’re struggling to get started like I am.

      Thank you. I’m happy that I got out there.

      • I think that’s a normal feeling for all runners. We place expectations on ourselves and then fel disappointed when we aren’t quite able to meet them.

        Instead of congratuating yourself for getting out there, all you’re seeing is where you didn’t live up to your expectation. You need to adjust that line of thinking! 🙂 Focus on the positive. 🙂

  2. sarahdudek80 says:

    Good for you for pushing yourself to finish. That is what will help make you a consistent runner. The pain also will start to go away, you are almost through the hardest part. Congrats.

  3. fitfor365 says:

    I’ve just posted some tips for new runners here, which might help.

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